How many twisted portraits of Christianity and Christians can you think of in our entertainment?

You are mad at tv shows for showing Christians as bigoted and hateful while proving those shows right.

Knowing people would say this I already answered this in advance.

Another response might be: "In asking God to judge you're acting just like the evil Christians in TV media and so you're proving them right", but then, if a Jew in Nazi Germany complains about the portrayal of Jews in the Nazi media and asks God to judge Germany, that's like saying to that Jew "you're proving the Nazi's portrayal of Jews to be correct because you're asking God to judge the Nazis. Therefore, the Nazis are correct to portray Jews as evil and dangerous." To my mind such a statement says more about the person making it, than it does about the Christian/Jew.

So you don't like me asking God to judge Europe? Very well. May every single person responsible for Christian oppression weep, wail, and beg Jesus for forgiveness; may lgbt activists everywhere officially apologize to Christian churches because they are largely responsible for how Christians are portrayed in media and because they've been a thorn in their sides; may film directors declare on public television that they are ashamed of their hate speech, together publicly donate millions of dollars to organizations that aim to help persecuted Christians, and beg Christians to pray for their souls; may governments reform their education systems to fire teachers who mock religion or are biased against Christianity and may those educators openly confess to child abuse against Christian children because of their mistreatment, and donate money to the parents of those children. Also may all the government leaders and princes, including Prince Charles, come together and join in a public prayer to ask God to forgive their nation, promising to no longer do evil, but only good from now on. Also may all pedophiles among the government officials be rounded up and executed. If this is all done within 24 hours, may God partially forgive Europe.

If not, may God causes cancer to go widespread; may the streets be filled with riots, gangs and murder; may parents see their children struck dead before their eyes and waste away for grief; may people be driven mad by the sights they see; and may God judge this evil and corrupt nation without forgiveness and without mercy; may it be burned up like Sodom and Gomorrah. And then, perhaps, people will finally start to suspect that maybe, just maybe, God's not happy about how they're acting.

/r/TrueChristian Thread Parent