How many of you work 40+ hours a week and still manage to get sufficient exercise and sleep in?

Hi /u/Underwhere_Overthere,

I’m a little late to the party but I want to chime in since there are a lot of less-than-helpful and negative comments on this thread. I’ve been on about a 4 month streak of eating mostly healthy and getting to the gym (Currently doing PHAT) most days. I have a 2 year old daughter, work 45-50+ hours a week and travel often for work. In addition, over the past several years I have severely damaged my marriage and my friendships. I am also making time and an effort to repair my relationships. All of this is very overwhelming, but very possible to overcome through discipline.

Also, I have Bipolar II disorder and ADHD. This may not sound like it may interfere (or irrelevant) with my routine, but it does immensely. I was a fat, drunk, emotional wreck before I sought out treatment. To be honest, without medication none of this would have been possible. My ADHD medication has assisted me with maintaining focus and discipline. Despite these things possibly being irrelevant, I hope I can give you some sound advice.

For me, early morning workouts are key. I get to the gym at 5:00 AM sharp most mornings. Occasionally have will have a late night and just fail to get to the gym in the morning. Usually in these cases I will then go in the evening around 8:00 PM but this is very less than ideal and seems to ruin my routine for the rest of the week. But I take the responsibility to get my exercise in even if I mess up my routine a little. To me my daughter/wife and my workouts are the most important parts of my day. I will sacrifice sleep for these two things and these two things alone. But I don’t have to if I stay disciplined.

Morning workouts may also give you some “unwind” time after your child goes to bed (which is sounds like your missing). However, for me, there still are plenty of things I have to get done and it can often be overwhelming. In most cases I am cooking dinner and then clean the kitchen. I also have chickens and a garden I tend to daily. If I get nothing else done during the week, I do these things because I have to. I have learned to become okay with scheduling in time for big projects (fixing things around the house, cleaning the garage, etc.) until the weekend.

My tips: • Make your exercise your first priority for the day. You’ll be amazed how much extra time you’ll feel like you’ll have in the evening. • Plan or prep your meals every week. I plan what the primary meat each dinner will be based around for the week. I chose between veggies, rice, couscous, quinoa, sweet potatoes depending on what macros I need to fill for the day. I cook extra to be used for lunches. I pick meals that can be prepared in under 30 minutes. I love to cook and I love good food. For example, this week is Monday – grilled chicken breast (I cook extra to be used as lunch throughout the week, Tuesday – Tacos, Wednesday – breaded parmesan tilapia, Thursday – whole chicken in the crock pot, Friday – typically will go out (but still ensure my dinner is relatively healthy). Both my wife and I know what’s on the agenda for the week and both are able to prepare the meals. Whoever gets home first starts dinner. • Use the calendar to your phone and make it a priority to be disciplined to follow it. Put the gym, meal prep time, go to bed, etc. in my calendar and do my best to keep disciplined to follow my daily agendas.
• Understand that some days life will get in the way. Pick back up as soon as you can and supplement when possible. You weren’t able to wake up for the gym early due to a crying baby all night? Get your ass back in the gym that evening or if that is not possible, wake up and get your ass to the gym the next morning. You were gone all weekend camping or out of town? Supplement exercise while away from home. I’m not a runner, but I’ll run when I have nothing else. I’ll hike with the family. Don’t have time to prep food for the week? No big deal, cook extra dinner every night for lunches.
• Video games and the internet can suck away valuable time, you don’t need it. Internet should be used as a tool. Don’t let these things get in the way of your sleep. Don’t get me wrong; take time to relax the way you want if that is what you need. I check social media and Reddit only when I poop. When I have down time I’ve been making a priority to work on self-improvement. I take time to communicate with my wife, play with my daughter, read a book, research form for my lifts, or learn anything that sparks your interest, etc..

I hope this all helps!

TL;DR: Go to bed on time, workout early, cook extra food, use a calendar as a tool, avoid time wasting activities online.

/r/Fitness Thread