How to find a marketing advisor for early stage startup?

Are you paying? I know so many consultants in so many industries that love to help. Their biggest challenge? People just don't want to pay for service.

Once you are willing to pay competitive rates the flood gates open. I have a friend, I won't give too many details as I don't want to accidentally out him. His annual Salary is 460k including his annual bonus and not including benefits. He loves his family and spends all his free-time showering his family with love and affection. And he is a total genius in his field.


He keeps getting approached to do consulting. He offers start-ups his time at $500 an hour. Most balk. From a start-up perspective, maybe it is expensive. From his perspective ... you are taking time away from his family and not even going to offer what his work will pay him to do the same.


Now, I am not saying you have to be flush to get help. You just can't be stingy. The same friend above ... if he were approached out of the blue with an email that stated: "Hey, I probably can't afford your hourly rate for consulting but I could really use your help in (brief list). Can I buy you lunch at the place of your choosing and pick your brain?" A lot of people (including him) say yes.


Then be a pro. Make the person feel great about helping you. Meet them on their schedule at their place. Send a follow-up thank you gift (with receipt for corp gift rules). You never know.

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