How do I get medical discharge?

If I'm reading between the lines here, I'm guessing that since you missed a whole year of UTA's, you feel like you're behind your peers and that UTA's are getting in the way of your civilian job and personal life? If I'm right, you're going to have a hard time getting out right before a deployment.

You should take all of your paperwork from your hospital stay along with all of your current perscriptions over to medical. They'll review everything and make a decision for you. They'll clear you, put you on profile, or they will initiate a med board.

If being in the military is causing you undue stress, that is a matter you should take up with your chain of command and/or first sergeant. Just be prepared for them to remind you that you signed a contract and we are all in this together. There are some very rare circumstances that actually do warrant separation, so it's worth talking to someone, but you'll have to go in prepared.

/r/AirForce Thread