How to meet people with similar interests in this city?

Simply put yourself in uncomfortable positions to meet people. I'm a very introverted individual and I often enjoy my isolation .. a little bit too much. This backfires in so many ways though, so I find myself struggling with the same thing as you. It's hard to meet people sometimes, but you wouldn't believe the number of people that secretly feel the same way as you in this city. I've come to find that sometimes these old familiar habits instill a sort of comfort in us.

So, to break the ice you have to make a decision to do something you're not going to like, but that means you're doing something right. As someone else had mentioned, do whatever you want. Don't think of not being able to do something because you're missing a person to do those things with. Fuck it, do it alone, and own it. Your confidence and perspective in anything that you do or you're passionate about will attract the people you want to be around. However you have to take that first step, maybe a couple more steps but so what. How bad do you want to change, how bad do you want to meet people?


/r/sandiego Thread