How much do Arabs know about Judaism?

I am familiar with Judaism. I studied the Tanakh (“Old Testament”) in university.

Although I’m not Arab, but my country has a long history with Jews that involves repeatedly saving their asses from persecution from Christendom. The Ottoman sultan Ahmed II had a Jewish mother.

I think Judaism is a brutal religion with a scripture that is morally objectionable. The concept of ‘herem’#As_genocide) in which the Jewish god ordains genocide and sanctions obliteration of entire peoples -- I find this abhorrent. This passage:

Where the most holiest of Jewish prophets, Moses, is sanctioned by the Jewish god to even slay women and children of the Midianites and burn their cities and castles with fire. There are countless examples of total destruction/genocides of entire nations like this; another is the genocide of the Canaanites, which was also sanctioned by the Jewish god in the Torah. I find it abhorrent that in the Jewish holiday of Purim, the slaughter of seventy five thousand Persians in a day (again sanctioned by the Jewish god) is completely overlooked and the holiday is seen as something to be celebrated joyously.

There is also an element of anti-Arab sentiment intrinsic to Judaism, in my view. Ishmael (seen as the forefather of the Arabs) is described as a barbaric wild donkey in the Torah. Hagar (who is Egyptian) is also portrayed negatively in Genesis. Both of them, because of their ancestry, are seen as an evil influence on Isaac, who is fully Jewish and fully ‘Chosen.’

I’m not making this up. Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a very famous rabbi in Jewish circles, spews this sentiment how Arabs are “wild beasts” because they descend from Ishmael:

From the same AskMoses site you reference (site run by rabbis), a commentary on the terrorist attacks on 9/11 are prefaced with how Ishmael/Arabs are barbaric by nature:,2100707/Today-the-World-Trembles-Today-the-World-is-Born.html

So, my view on the religion is negative. The people, I judge individually.

When I see Jews (and Christians, who view the Old Testament as part of their scripture) rush to criticize Islam for being violent and intolerant… it makes me laugh. In all of the prophet Muhammad’s battles spanning the twenty-three years of his mission, the casualties are documented by historians to be around 1000, Muslim and non-Muslim combined. Compared with the 75,000 Persians (the enemy side) killed in the OT in just one day alone, according to the Book of Esther, lel.

Rant over :)

/r/arabs Thread