how much do you believe the alien conspiracy?

There's been news of the US confirming ex-confidential weaponry that would explain the inexplicable in the bible, iirc an example is this device they confirmed that can make people hear voices from miles away, just by sending out frequencies or some shit. Idk how it works. But it also creates a blue light/fire iirc fits right into some scriptures

Then after that, this whole attacking Syria thing fits in with the start of events told in the Bible, like on this jubilee year ending rn, Dramacus was supposed to be destroyed, which with the Syria attacks it is.

I really don't remember this whole thing well, so this is a shitty explanation, but it kind of makes sense why there'd be a concrete political/economical advantage to a global leadership, and the whole Donald Trump presidency makes more sense to me with this.

The last thing is that the conspiracy days that there's supposed to be a blue sky like in the Bible or some shit, and that we need to go underground. People figured out that radiation from a nuclear missle destroyed mid-air could cause the sky to turn dark blue, and it makes sense along with it all. So this part of the conspiracy predicts that we'll have a war and in midst of it there'll be this whole blue sky shit, and a new leading of humanity will result from it

It's a lot of bullshit sounding stuff, and I'm not too familiar with the Bible, just repeating what I've heard. But idk man. Hope that makes a lil sense.

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