How much can I take to experience the effects but not make it obvious that I am tripping?

I currently dose mushrooms a few different ways for both my micros and full doses (2.0G+). I have never noticed a potency loss when drinking compared to eating, even with hot water used to brew tea. The active temp breakdown is quite high.

  • Fresh or dried mushrooms whole or ground. Chew and then swallow.

  • A combination of chopped up and/or ground mushrooms and hot water to make tea. The hot water speeds absorption of actives into your system. If combined with several tablespoons of lemon juice you will feel effects within 15 -30 minutes. Look up "Lemon Tek" and you will find quite a few helpful links on why this ingestion methods works the way it does. Lemon Tek essentially converts psilocybin to psilocin without your body doing much of the work it would usually need to do and also aids with the extraction of actives into the surrounding liquids. Hot water is not necessarily needed, It only speeds things up, and of course assists with the short come up. If you plan to make tea, put the prepared mushrooms in a coffee mug, pour in hot water and lemon juice if desired, then cover with a plate to let the tea steep for 10 minutes.

  • Grind your dose finely in a coffee grinder, and then load the powder into gel caps like this. Not the exact caps I have, but you get the idea. 00 sized caps will give you all the space you need for a micro and even some full doses if packed correctly.

  • Grind your desired amount of mushrooms, heat chocolate in a double boiler, and then mix the mushrooms in with the chocolate. Transfer to a mold, then foil and plastic wrap, place in the fridge for storage. You'll need to do some searching on how to properly heat chocolate. Here is the mold I use.

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