How much does school rank help with your first job?

It will be easier to get into B4 or Fortune 500 from a top school only because they recruit more people from there.

However, I will say that personally I went to a shit school (only 1 B4 actually recruits from us), but I took on leadership roles in accounting society and Beta Alpha Psi, joined a business fraternity, and got really involved with the college of business, and I have a variety of options to choose from when I graduate.

I'm actually happy I went to a shitty school because it allowed me to stand out and network better. At a top school I would have felt like another fish in the sea, but being around people who weren't much smarter than me was a huge confidence boost.

I go to every networking event with the accounting department, my business fraternity, and he college of business and I've met so many people who can be a potential advantage to my future along the way. Not to mention the amount of students I know very well who many have potential to be very successful one day.

I talk to some friends at bigger schools who say they can't get into a business fraternity. It wasn't that hard at my school and I can't even stress how much it has helped me grow and gain confidence around others.

Sure if I did all this at a top school it would probably be even better, but if a top school isn't an option, there's other stuff you can do. Although we only have 1 B4 recruit from us, I am very close with several people who work and recruit from that firm because of how I put myself out there.

Networking is important and I encourage you to take advantage of leadership opportunities and join clubs, BAP, business fraternities, all of the above.

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