How much family nudity was there in your house while you were growing up?

It was difficult to feel like wearing clothes was okay when it was just family around the house. I hated it, seeing my dad and brothers naked. And when I was somewhere around grades 6-8, I learned that my mom started wearing clothes more when my brothers started realizing she was different than them (years before the conversation happened). Yet I was in grade 4 or 5 before my dad wasn't the one showering with me, and it was around grade 3 that my parents took us to a nudist camp. My parents kept some of the pictures my brothers and I drew as kids, and I found them in high school. All of my people were drawn anatomically correct. I wondered why this didn't raise red flags, since my only association with nudity around others was dysfunctional and I'd been molested. I had a counsellor/mentor I talked with about it that helped me realize that nudity in a family setting can be an honestly good thing. I'm at least comfortable now with being nude around my husband. Maybe someday I'll be okay with visiting a Japanese bathhouse or similar location.

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