How much importance do you give to a person's political opinions when you date them?

Highly rec The Fire Next Time and Giovanni's Room (a novel).

I completely agree with u/NJTNG87, for the record, but it can be difficult in a relationship to discern how far to lean into what Baldwin says. For example, there are a lot of liberals out there who believe women and minorities deserve "equal rights" but then go on to say things that chip away at them indirectly, like complaining about "victim culture," etc, etc.

If I were hanging with my liberal boyfriend who'd always voted for the same candidates I had but harbored some unsettling "bothsidesist" views, I'd have a problem. Would I stop dating him? If it were early in the relationship, highly probable, if it looked like it was consistent and there was an unwillingness to learn. If it were longer-term, maybe I'd hope that I could sway him. But I have women and people of color in my family and I ain't bringing home a guy who, when they bring up injustice, says, "But yeah, isn't people complaining about injustice just as bad as people who perpetuate it?" And there are a lot of those guys out there these days. They might not actively support oppression, but they don't seem to notice how they're passively supporting it, either. But many of us who have privilege in some regard have passively participated in structural injustice, usually through ignorance, so figuring out where to draw the line with people we care about is difficult. If anyone out there has the answer, let me know.

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