how much is the Lacoste varsity going to cost?

Your sentence has no proper english construct within it, and it is very hard for me to understand you. I can see that you lack the brainpower to use proper english like a normal person. First of all it's *Your. Second, you forgot to put a period after Mr.Blowie and capitalize certain letters. *I is also capital if you didn't know. (I) shouldn't be capitalized in sentences like "You are an imbecile", or you lack the brain power to use correct punctuation you ignoramus. You are also using the wrong word when saying "as your dad recorded..." Instead you should have said "while your dad was recording..." Also I don't have a sister which makes your information inaccurate. I think you hit up the wrong family, maybe your own if you have one that loves you enough? I could give you a C- on your attempt to saying something worthwhile and understandable to the public if you were to edit your mistakes. However, I guess I won't have to fail you since I can't fail a failure itself. That would be preposterous! I think it would be best if you started school all over again or maybe have someone who has the patience to sit down with you and tolerate your insolance. Or you can make jokes on the internet that no one can understand since you lack the brainpower to be on the scale of everyone else.

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