How much longer will I suffer?

Hey I was 15 when my addiction to hydros/xanax started so I do understand this feeling I truly do feel for you. I am now 17 as well and I am a year sober, so if I can do it, you can do it too! Rehab as much as it sucks I promise you is the best option because once u start the process I actually found that finding something to believe in (for me I became extremely spiritual) honestly saved my life. I know it’s not the same experience for everybody but once I sobered up at first as much as I wanted to say f it and go back to my old ways, I honestly was so proud of myself that I felt motivated to keep going and began planning things to look forward to/stay alive for the future such as music festivals, trips, friends & family, etc.. I know it seems nearly impossible as of now but I promise you life has much more to offer and I believe you will get through, stay strong❤️

/r/addiction Thread