How much longer will litecoin be the worst cryptocurrency to hold and buy from investment perspective? Will its btc ratio ever be 0.005+ again? LTC is being dwarfed by ether, monero, and dash - it missed out on all recent pumps, but it always dumps during the dumps.

Ethereum has already proved to be risky, they had a lot of serious bugs and attacks, forced confiscation, failed hardfork, etc.

btc also had bad bugs in the first years, but nobody mentions them today. but etheriums ICO and proof of vitalik are real issues (at least for me).

zcash relies on bleeding edge unproven crypto. Would not trust it even after 5 years of no issues.

their trusted setup and their relative new crypto is indeed an issue.

Monero is a strong contender, that is true. They are still riskier because they transactions are very heavyweight. If they ever come close to Bitcoin's volume they could run into all sort of crazy issues.

what do you mean with "all sort of crazy issue"? the cryptocurrency networks clearly can handle more than 1mb every 10 minutes.

Litecoin remains as the closest alt to Bitcoin with comparable robustness/risk analysis.

only if it's not playing bitcoins testbed. I really hope this ends well for ltc.

imo ltc has enough time to wait and activate segwit when btc has activated it. but I'm just a random stranger with an opinion.

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