How much should I negotiate for this new job opportunity?

Wow really thats awesome. I worked in the union for 8 years and when I didn't have work for multiple months they stopped giving me benefits and I was out of work. They didn't care if we were "full-time" or not as long as we were working they gave us what we initially signed up for. I could be a contractor for a total of 6 months out of a year and still be considered "part-time" because I was a contractor to a certain plant and was layed off after the job was done. I still got all the benefits and well over journeyman pay, but about 3 years ago I couldn't get any work it varies differently between each industry I suppose. Who gets the benefits and who doesn't. I know for sure anyone will be racking over 40 hours easily thats for sure if you are very skilled and in the industry. I can't really say how long that lasts for each industry though you know. One year you'll be making $100k then the next year you'll make just about $50k. Anyways after that I became an offshore welder and commercial diver and our rates depend on other factors too.

But how long do "part-time" contactors get worked for? I guess it's based on the length of the job?

/r/Welding Thread Parent