How much time do I have left?

It’s soon. The biggest compelling reason why it would happen soon is the majority of GME holders will get capital gains tax decrease if they hold their position for more than a year- 2022 will be that one year mark for many apes.

The other reason it could be soon is the impact of macro economics with inflation and contagion from the Chinese market (housing market over there going tits up), and the off chance something crazy happens with the debt limit in December.

The Hedgefunds have deep pockets and can hit pros to this for awhile, but the other reason why this might be soon is the amount of apes DRSinf shares away from the public float- in other words, putting their shares in their name and preventing them from being messed with. When enough apes DRS, the squeeze happens. So that’s the inevitable end, once that happens.

The last reason why it might be soon is GameStop seems ready to release NFT news, and potentially a NFT dividend, which would also like cause a squeeze cus hedgefunds can’t replicate a NFT and would be forced to buyback their shorts.

No on really knows, but the hedgefunds are struggling to stay alive every day, and this isn’t even accounting for margin requirements legislation that’s passing November 1 and quality of collateral- the hedgies are definitely feeling the pressure. They have to balance the price between too high (they get margin called) and too low (apes buy and DRS a ton). So if enough people buy and the price goes higher through fomo, that could kick it off too.

TL;DR- No one knows, but soontm. There’s much anticipation between now and March, but, as the saying goes on this sub, “no dates!”

Welcome to the party. Buy your shares ASAP, and look into the process of DRSing through Computershare :)

/r/Superstonk Thread