How much would it cost to sue a well-established private school for abuse, and what’re my odds of succeeding in at least denting their reputation?

My bad, i thought it might be too identifying

Some things off the top of my head:

  1. Many, many racist comments towards non-White students

  2. Treating students like literal animals. Without getting into specifics, basically exactly how you treat a dog including exactly how you’d care for a dog. I had a video of a teacher doing this but was made to delete it, but there are eye witnesses

  3. Locking bathrooms and not giving us access to them

  4. Transferring at-risk (mentally unwell) students out of the school after expressing suicidal thoughts

  5. Giving false university application deadlines and information, giving false graduation requirements to students they dislike

  6. Taking bribes

  7. Public shaming (scolding one student in front of the entire student body) for minor offences such as not finishing all of your food during lunch

  8. Covering up physical assault, rape and death threats on school grounds, two people almost died in two separate incidences and only one perpetrator was actually “asked to leave” by the school

  9. Being made aware of and not doing anything regarding explicit photos of a student being widely circulated

  10. Giving out other students’ personal information to individual students

  11. Arbitrary grading (have solid proof I and other victims have at the moment)

  12. Intentional sabotage of university applications (have solid proof)

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