How much was your most expensive fashion item and when or how often do you wear it?

I bought a Birkin (second hand) recently but I have left home maybe 5 times since March so I haven’t worn it yet... cries I’ll be able to wear it because I know it’s well made and can be refurbished by Hermes if need be. I used to have the problem of never using nice things I bought but then I sat back and thought to myself, why is this beautiful item that I saved so long for just wasting away in my closet or medicine cabinet (recovering skincare junkie)? If you’re not going to use it, why even buy it? Clothing can be repaired with a good tailor, shoes can be resoled with a good cobbler, etc. You’ve just got to do it and don’t be clumsy about it but even if something does break down from wear and tear wouldn’t you be glad that you got the chance to enjoy it? Also remember, just because it’s high priced doesn’t mean it’s high quality. If something rips or ruins on your first wear, question the brand not yourself.

/r/femalefashionadvice Thread