How the Narcotics Anonymous Program Abandoned Me

I’m a proud member and I treat everyone who I come across with acceptance. If I had been a regular at the meetings you went to, I would not have supported the decision you made, but I would have done what I could to support your recovery. This is a program of suggestion. If my sponsees don’t take my suggestion, that’s ok. I don’t fire anyone unless I feel like my time is being wasted.

I speak out against any -A member who makes people feel unwelcome. I have posts about it on here. I speak out against -A members treating MAT patients like crap. You can look that crap up too. I believe outside issues are not inherently bad... and should be met with compassion.

I’ve called out AA members and NA members for not supporting each other. That one really gets my goat.

And I will call out hypocrisy when I see it. You are taking this program to task when you have so, so little experience. Don’t you see how this can hurt future addicts? I don’t like it when any side behaves the way you do...

And I’m not perfect. I have my faults. One of them is loyalty. When you come on a sub I frequent... where people are doing all they can to get better.... and try to close off an avenue of healing for them? Ya, I’m gonna take you to task. Feel free to add all the avenues of healing that you can, but don’t be surprised when people call you out for denigrating something that is helpful (numerous studies and too much data to mention) to so many.

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