How to negotiate salary with a new Employer?

I can't quite tell where you are located, but for me on just straightforward. If it's a company I'm not working for I just think of the salary I want then ask for that plus 5% to give some wiggle room for negotiation. If I work for a company, I just tell them the number I want. If I don't work for the company, I will straight up wall away if I don't get my target. It's a hardball move, but many companies will crack if your target salary is fair and you will really walk away. For a company you work for if they don't give your target, I try and negotiate working toward it. Failing that I express displeasure and seek a new position.

I will say that my target is always a middle of the pack salary, so it's usually not a salary that any company has a problem giving me outright. The process is different if you are trying to maximize salary. I just want enough money to be comfortable for the work I do.

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