How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police (Chris Rock)

i'm not even right wing, this is what a bad argument is, there's no legitimate evidence, so you go to anger and accusations. If you look at black deaths in general from cops, they've declined 75% in the past 30 years, and white deaths from cops have flatlined over the same time period. You're not under the threat of execution by not complying..why are you not listing?...the chance of an unarmed black man and dying from a cop is lower than being struck by lightning, they're much more likely to be killed by another person than a police officer. my point is if you wish to make that chance even smaller then it is a great idea to comply. Like any activity, you have a choice of lowering your risk of death...when a person stops complying then all of the sudden the officer is now at a higher risk of dying as well. police deaths almost always start with non compliance. He has a right to protect himself. When you stop complying you're putting him in a situation of risk.

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