How often do you come into contact with someone who makes your skin crawl?

I had a friend in college. I've posted about them before, but I regularly purge my history, so.

I was friends with them some 12 years ago now. There was some unpleasantness with one of my ex girlfriends and they wholeheartedly took her side and did their best to ruin my life. Whatever. Some years pass and they get back in contact after I start transitioning, I figure that they might have changed and started being normal. Met in a social setting in a group and they seemed much more mature and settled than they had previously.

They broke up with their long term partner (and two kids) and talked their friend into doing same, after convincing her that polyamory was a good thing. I found out when the girls husband messaged me on OkCupid, which was a weird way to find out. By this time my friend had decided that they were gender neutral or some horseshit. Eventually those two broke up and it was my friend and this girl playing at polyamory, which wasn't really the case at all. I'll expand maybe later if I can be bothered.

This lead to several uncomfortable months of, whenever I'd meet my new friends and they'd be there too, being invited back to their place for a threesome, is always decline, and I'd have the same line of questioning. "Don't you find us attractive? Why not? You're trans too it'd be perfect, we could all be together". Mate, your girlfriend is nice enough but you're a fucking mess. Eventually I stopped seeing my friends because they were always there too. Just the thought of their smug self righteous clammy face makes me feel uncomfortable.

This wasn't very cohesive. Sorry.

/r/AskWomen Thread