How often do you type out a whole comment/reply, then think 'screw it' and hit cancel?

A lot.

Generally speaking, I put a lot of thought into my posts (though my post history would suggest otherwise) and like to use a lot of subjective language as a sort of 'get-out-of-jail-free' card. Then along comes someone else and reads my post: Except they read what they want to see and don't take much time to re-read it while replying.

A great case in point is this very thread and my reply to it: The question is "how often" and the basic answer would be "about half the time." The question is answered and I can go on about my business, but no, I have to throw my oar in about why I do this because I have an opinion and I get a bit pissed off when I take time to put together several paragraphs that I take about half an hour to type in the secret hope that they make it to /r/bestof and no-one else bothers to read it correctly.

This also demonstrates my guilt of having an opinion to put forward that wasn't strictly asked for because I haven't answered the question directly, making me part of my own problem and an opinionated ass. This post probably comes across as having been delivered from my computer in my house which is conveniently located quite far up my own arsehole in the sense that I think I'm portraying myself as typing something revolutionary and magnificent, whereas the stark reality is that it's just more words surrendered to a voting system.

I can live with posting an opinion that isn't popular and receiving downvotes and horror - that's part of life and I like to think that I'm well-adjusted enough to accept that. What grinds my gears is when I've taken time to consider an opinion and form something that I think is coherent and someone replies angrily because they haven't got the point. If they want to reply and challenge my opinion and encourage healthy debate then that is just magnificent and I welcome that. If someone has missed the point entirely then I sometimes wonder if my post was just plain crap, or perhaps I've pissed on their chips by not being clear enough.

So I like to keep my replies short (though I do not always succeed). Larger replies leave more room for ambiguity or miscommunication and while I like typing, I also like avoiding arguments with strangers over the internet.

To diffuse any angry replies, please enjoy (or be baffled enough not to bark at me) a photo of a car eating a cat.

/r/AskReddit Thread