How old are you, who do you fangirl over, and how long have you been convincing yourself that it is just a phase?

I'm 24.

In terms of media, I fangirl over Harry Potter. I'm semi-well-known over at /r/harrypotter due to this.

In terms of actors, I fangirl over Christian Coulson (Tom Riddle from Chamber of Secrets).

I find Riddle's character absolutely heartbreaking, and deeply fascinating at the same time. According to most MBTI enthusiasts, Riddle and I are also both INTJs.

I also started fangirling when I learned that his actor from Chamber of Secrets, Christian Coulson, also shares quite a few traits with me, including being a "brainy" English major with Oxbridge aspirations.

He [Coulson] also seems quiet, well-mannered, intelligent, and polite in real life, which also mirrors depictions of Riddle in the book, as Rowling uses the word "quiet" a lot to describe the character. I am usually mostly "quiet" in real life, too. Coulson has also admitted to have a "personal connection" with Riddle's character, which I feel that I also share.

I also fangirl because he's "living the dream", having been a freelance professional photographer, and regular actor.

I used to be an actress myself. However, I was essentially 'locked out' of performances once I passed a certain age, "because I did not have a natural talent for singing". Around the same time, I was also diagnosed with pneumonia and chronic bronchitis, and had a lot of trouble breathing for several months, leaving me unable to sing.

My voice box also seems to have been permanently damaged by the infection. While I can sing "decently", I don't have the same vocal range as before. Sometimes, when I sigh, I sound like I'm growling (or making a guttural noise), and my normal coughs sometimes sound like whooping cough.

I haven't gotten into acting since. However, when I look at Coulson, and what he's accomplished, it makes me feel that maybe, one day, I, too, can re-enter theater without people judging me on "whether or not I can sing".

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