How old is streamer again?

Here's my take on this.

/u/ProjectRevolutionTPP has a good point, and it should be noted- an objective view of this situation should be adopted.

[](Killermapper was spamming a good bit), and some kind of reprimand was probably due. A simple 'You were banned for [reason]' should have sufficed for that purpose.

Streamer is running a business, and viewers are either potential or actual customers. Telling them to eat **** is no way to loosen their wallets.

The above, I believe, is a good, objective view of the situation. Plus throw in the fact that this isn't the first instance of a situation like this.

These words actually come from Satoru Iwata, but in business, the business is in a position similar to that of a slave, and the customer is king. If the business tries to act like they're king, however, the customers will become angry, withdraw their funds, and the business will collapse.

Just withdraw your funding- that's all you have to do in response to the Streamer acting like he's king, or Arceus, or whatever, and proper repercussions for the Streamer will follow in the form of lack of funding.

Now, for the more subjective bit I'd like to speak about.

There's no need to report him for 'harassment'. Weren't you ever taught that 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me'? Will you all stoop so low as to call to a higher authority to strike down the equivalent of a 5-year old, so that you all can feel you got your revenge against his banhammer?

I was fired recently from my job, over a slanderous accusation that I threw a stapler or something. (I had thrown nothing, let alone some heavy, blunt object that would obviously be dangerous if thrown.) While I'm sure whoever made the accusation felt very justified in getting revenge, I don't think they succeeded. I'm honestly quite happy to be freed from such a hostile work environment, while they're still stuck in that wretched pothole for the long haul.

If Streamer gets shut down, he will be probably be temporarily saddened, then happy forevermore to be free of the cancerous chat he seems to detest so much.

But if you simply withdraw your support, your funding, and quietly make your way out the door, he might come to understand that benevolence and supporting the fun in chat is what will get him his subscribers.

That's my two cents on it. Take it for whatever it is.

/r/twitchplayspokemon Thread Link -