How old were you the first time you smoked pot?

                                                                               MY FIRST TIME HIGH

     A few of my close friends always were high so I began inquiring about certain mind-altering substances. My one friend Hugh showed me a bag a mushrooms in class and said he would let me try them. He explained what they did and even gave me one in school- didn't do anything but I liked the taste so it was set in stone. The night of Thanksgiving, I was to travel to Hugh's house to spend the night tripping out of our minds on boomers for my first psychedelic experience.
My friend Jordan wanted to hangout right after Thanksgiving dinner before my journey so I packed my bag, nervously awaiting the life-changing, grabbed Skate and left for his house. When we got there all I could think about was going to Hugh's later on. We played Skate and talked for a few hours until it was time and I couldn't be any more anxious. My mom pulled up as I bolted out to greet her, rushing her on the drive there. Finally the time came to exit the car and enter my friends house. But some news came as a surprise- he consumed all the magic mushrooms the night before. He did have this other thing we could try though called marijuana and I was hesitant but finally conceded after some clever convincing.
He packed this shitty bent metal rod which worked fine as a pipe, full of some “mids,” as I quickly learned what it was called, the weed that wasn't as “dank.” For a few rounds we passed it back and forth, taking the biggest rips I could handle and coughing my lungs out. The cannabis didn't seem to be getting me high so I asked him to pack another and he quickly obliged. After taking a few more huge tokes, I was extremely high- there was no way I didn't get high the first time because I felt out of my mind and very giggly. 
The first thing we did was listen to music; I remember the song like it was yesterday. I thank The Chemical Brothers for “The Golden Path” because it was the perfect song to listen to the first time getting high. I could hear each instrument clearer than ever and I could understand the music like never before. Then he put on Streetlight Manifesto and each different horn was made evident in my ears- it sounded as though the music was literally being created in my ears and it was fantastic. We wanted to test a theory that any band sounds good high so we put on The Jonas Brothers to test the theory and it was correct. Not long after that we found ourselves getting into that terrible music so we had to stop ourselves.
Next we wandered out into his kitchen for some beverages and quickly choose Orange Crush as our beverage of choice. After downing like three glasses quickly and being amazed at how tasty and thirst-quenching this soda was, like never before, Hugh turned on Sealab 2021 for some hysterical hijynx. At one point I was laughing harder than ever before when a submarine full of puppies was sinking and a man exclaimed “NO MY PUPPIES!” I felt as though it was the funniest joke ever. After enjoying the evening's festivities, we both retired when the buzz wore off. The next morning I awoke worried that when I returned home, my mom's spidey senses would be tingling and she'd know that I had done something I shouldn't have. But everything was fine and before I knew it, I was smoking reefer again. And again. And again. Life went on and my sophomore year at high school was in full-swing.
/r/Marijuana Thread