How on earth do you get enough protein?

Your protein intake is more than adequate. Are you in a caloric surplus, because you can't gain mass without more calories. Also make sure you are maintaining a well balanced lifting schedule that focuses on proper form, and challenges you to keep increasing your lifts at a healthy rate.

From what you listed your diet seems fine, though you could stand to increase the amount and variety of vegetables and fiber in your diet. Please don't listen to all of these people talking about eating a half dozen eggs for breakfast and meat for every meal, it's really not healthy. If you are looking to save money, eggs are cheap, but best in moderation (2-3). Try to find chicken breast in bulk, and portion it into 2-3 days worth in your freezer so it's easy to thaw when you need it. You should also cut the maple syrup out of your diet. It's expensive, and it's healthier if you cut out the added sugar.

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