How one city cut gun violence in half and may become a model around the country

Permits for carrying is not the worst thing ever as long as it's shall issue, but requiring a permit to purchase is bad, and requiring the gun to be registered is just terrible.

Thank you!

About fucking time someone said this out loud.

Just like you I also think we should have permits/licences to vote and to speak freely.

I mean, I get that they are innumerated rights granted to all Americans...but aren't there some people - wink wink - that should need to prove they're worthy enough to enjoy those benefits?

So what if people like Carol Bowne in New Jersey die because of stupid shit like this? Aren't a couple of bodies worth putting up roadblocks from the people we don't like from using their rights?

All this freedom shit, people acting like somewhere in the Constitution it says garbage "shall not be infringed", makes my blood boil!

If you don't think you should have to beg the government for a permission slip to enjoy your rights you're not even a true American.

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