How do you get out of bed every morning just to go to a job?

This will probably get buried but whatever. A couple years ago I found myself stuck in a extremely abusive relationship, long story short I was completely isolated and wasn’t allowed to have a job.. I ended up not working for a little over a year. At first I enjoyed not working but not long after I dreaded it. I missed talking to people, I missed earning my own income, I missed having a purpose. I couldn’t wait for the day I would be able to leave and work again and I promised myself to never take a job for granted again. Fast forward to today I love waking up early and I love going to work. I love talking to my co workers and completing my tasks at work and I also love that rewarding feeling on payday. I will never take a job for granted again and it’s honestly my favourite part of the day.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread