How do you get over the abuse? I'm 19 and I want to move past it.

I understand how this feels...maybe not to the extent you do because my parents aren't really financially well off enough to afford to send us overseas, etc. but my older brother had a lot more opportunities afforded to him simply because he was the first-born and made it to 18 first. They "sold" him the customized absolutely superb condition car that my mom used to drive for 20 bucks. They never insisted on butting into his affairs once he was an adult. He was "allowed" to move out without too much of a fuss.

Meanwhile...getting my parents to teach me to drive ultimately failed. I had to buy my own car. Up until recently my life was constantly meddled with, my N insists on "approving" any place I want to move into for "my safety" when in reality...we all know this means he'll find an issue and fight tooth and nail to keep me at home with that excuse.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread