How do you get over the feeling that you're running out of time to do the things that you want to in life?

I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree at 27 years old. Most of my friends from high school at this age have been working for 3-4 years now. I'm at my first real job now, even that, it's contract-based (and ending soon). Some of my friends from university have started getting married and/or having kids. I am not ready to start a family as I want to focus on my career. I want to be able to provide for my family and not have to financially struggle. I don't know if I will ever get married or have kids. I know a lot of people put a lot of thought into this, but right now, at this point, I just want to progress in my career. I mean, would I like to get married someday? Yes. Would I want kids? Perhaps.

Honestly, it SUCKS being so behind. I dropped out of college during my early 20's, at which I decided a little later down the road that I needed to get my degree in order to not mess up my future.

It sucks. If I could go back in time and fix things, I definitely would. But I can't. So I just keep doing what I need to do. I learnt from my mistakes and try not to mess up again. Good thing is, I have my degree now and some years of work experience. It's not easy to screw up now. Just need to give in all you got at work and prove to your superiors that you are an invaluable asset to the company.

I mean, like I said, different people will have different opinions on the matter. But I look at making the best of the situation. There's always going to be a better decision that you could have made in life. But I try to make the best of what I have right now. It may not be a lot at the moment, but I am content with it for now.

/r/AskMen Thread