How to be patient while waiting for him (28M) to love me (25F) back?

We broke up because of external pressures and circumstances involving our mutual best friend being unstable and a cocaine addict relying on us both really heavily—we’ve agreed at this point in extensively talking through everything that happened the first time that even the strongest relationship wouldn’t have been able to withstand the pressures he put on us.

I want to be with him not because I loved him the first time I met him, but because of everything that came after. I’m at a point in my life where I would never date someone just because I loved them, that’s silly, love on it’s own isn’t enough. I’m with him because in six years I’ve never once been bored of him, and because I love the way his mind works and the way he thinks about the world, I love how he treats his friends and how gentle and patient he is with me, and we have similar life goals and timelines. Trust me, we’ve thought this through!

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