How do people bring them selves to be in full-time work and part-time education at the same time? (UK)

I'm 23, just graduated with a double major.

I worked 2 jobs freshman through senior year (usually a minimum wage and even once an unpaid internship, plus a job delivering food which I could make about 15 bucks an hour doing), and then my senior year, I worked 4 jobs while still doing school full time.

The trick I found was stacking all my classes up on two different days (monday wednesday, or tuesday thursday) then using my off days to work my internship. i would go deliver food then on my nights and weekends. id usually leave a few scattered nights off to just drill down my homework.

was it hard? i mean, yeah. however, i enjoyed the work and kept my enthusiasm together and it worked out. honestly, i kind of like the hustle. it keeps your head on straight. yeah it may exhaust you, but it turned me into an extremely hardworking and proud person, which lets remember is supposed to be a result of going to school.

i am confident in my work ethic now, and i am that much more comfortable in my work and personal life now that i have a degree and only have to work 40 hour weeks and get paid a suitable living amount of money.

so yeah... just fucking do it. your situation i think sounds worse than it is to you because you aren't willing to try it. thats how i find most things in life to be... looks hard, im apprehensive to try it. however i remind myself that other people do it, and im just as capable as them. then i go and do it, and i realize although it may be time consuming, shit really isnt that hard. you just gotta be willing to be mentally disciplined enough to not only go out and do the work, but change the way you think about the work to not being work, but to building yourself.

/r/personalfinance Thread