How to get people listening to your beats without making "type beats"?

Look at any other form of business, they all market their products in a way that makes it easy for customers to find exactly what that want. Imagine if there was some pretentious cupcake shop that decided: “you know what, I find the convenience of modern cupcake shopping to soulless and uninspiring. I’m gonna give my cupcakes human names. From now on, chocolate will now be called Dave, strawberry will be Catherine, and blueberry will be Alvin. Then, I’ll put them all behind tinted glass so people have to guess what they want.” Now, that’d be pretty unique and in some scenarios it might actually work but you’d have to be extremely lucky.

If you’re the next Scott Storch then it might work out, but otherwise all you’re really doing is inconveniencing rappers.

/r/trapproduction Thread