How Do Pharmacists Get Paid in Your Region?

fellow Canadian fresh pharmacy grad here. UofT PharmD class of 2020. I hated pharmacy so bad during school and wanted to quit multiple times since semester 2. Due to peer/parental pressure, I somehow didn't, and just never cared about pharmacy school work ever since. Volunteered in the lab of a world-renouned pbpk prof upstairs instead of going to classes. learned pkpd modeling and spent thousands of hours teaching myself coding. got accepted to Georgia Tech master of analytics for fall 2020, and I have an interview coming up for a big pharma in SF bay area (starts with G) clinical pharmacology department for a scientific researcher position for pkpd modeling tomorrow afternoon. The pay will be low 6 figure prior to negotiation, and in 2-3 years, I think I can double that, either by jumping ship to FAANG as a data scientist/swe or internal transfer or get promoted to data scientist or similar roles.

/r/pharmacy Thread