How is philosophy is any use to me and why would I care to learn?

Then I read some people's answers also included "truth-functionally equivalent" which is exactly what I am bored about, it is one of the technicalities we are required to read and learn but I am thinking to myself how is this going to improve me in any way in life?

One way truth-functions can help is as a tool to improve your writing and thinking. Consider these sentences:

  • Socrates and Plato are philosophers.

  • Socrates and Plato are friends.

Same form. So pretty much the same thing, linguistically, right? Well, let's look at what happens if we treat the meaning of that "and" and "are" the same way for both sentences:

  • Socrates is a philosopher and Plato is a philosopher.

  • Socrates is a friend and Plato is a friend.

That first sentence works the same way in its translation, but the second sentence ends up saying something very different from our common understanding of what was meant by the first version of the second sentence.

So while "X and Y are Z" seems a pretty simple linguistic utterance, when we assess the truth functional paraphrases of the sentences we begin to see the complications in how the terms in those two five-word sentences significantly differ in meaning.

If you can be mindful of the ambiguity, then you can be attentive to those ambiguities in your writing.

That doesn't help you with the lousy assignment, but it is an example of how thinking about truth-functions can be useful outside of logic class.

/r/askphilosophy Thread