how do you play online

I am going to assume you are on PS4. If you are not then some of these are not going to apply.

There are a number of possible factors and things to address here. some have been mentions by other already:

  1. NAT type of your network. In short, depends in this setting you may not be able to connect to a lot of the player-base. Read more here if you are not familiar with what NAT is.

  2. Wired vs Wi-Fi connections. On consoles, there are different icons for Wi-Fi and Wired so people will be able to tell before accepting the match. A lot of people are going to decline your match in ranked if you are on Wi-Fi.

  3. Time of day. Nothing complicated here.

  4. Lastly and probably least well known potential culprit since not many players are going to be in such a circumstance where they'll have to deal with it. PSN account's region and physical location mismatch. If you play with an account that is of a different region than your physical location, it's going to cause a lot of potential matches/lobbies to not show up REGARDLESS of region search settings within the game. I'm going to explain more in details in the next section. The simple solution is to make a PSN account of your physical region and play online using that account instead. As long as your main account with the game has your PS4 set as its primary, all games and DLCs will be accessible on the second account even if its's of a different region.

Explanation of how region and physical location mismatch is a problem in lobbies

"Same", "Nearby", and "Any" are not as obvious as they seem to be.

In the lobbies search setting for "Region":

  • "Any" will find lobbies created by PSN accounts that have the same region as your account with "Same", "Nearby", and "Any" for lobby region setting and lobbies created by different region PSN accounts with "Any" BUT not lobbies created by different region PSN accounts with "Nearby" and "Same" regardless of yours or their physical locations.

  • "Same" will find lobbies created by PSN accounts that have the same region as your account with "Same", "Nearby", and "Any" for lobby region setting BUT not lobbies created by different region PSN accounts regardless of their lobbies region settings and yours or their physical locations.

  • "Nearby" will only find rooms created by PSN accounts that have the same region as your account with "Same", "Nearby", and "Any" as long as your physical location is close to theirs BUT not lobbies created by different region PSN accounts regardless of their lobbies region settings and yours or their physical locations.

I hope that's clear enough. As you can see, these region settings don't really work the way you'd expect them to do. "Nearby" and "Any" are just big lies especially "Any".

So for example, if you are in Japan and you are trying find lobbies using "Any" from an EU account, you will likely not find any lobbies at all because most Japanese will never put "Any" as their lobbies' region setting.

/r/DeadOrAlive Thread