How do i play to be a strong gyro? my Dotabuff I’m currently 5490

Manta is pretty terrible on Gyro because you want to buy BKB anyway and Manta just isn’t a good item for him. SnY is way better cos he loves the move speed and status resistance and lifesteal amp. Maybe some games you can get away with Manta but they’re very few.

Pretty much every game I go Aghs > BKB or BKB > Aghs with optional Drum beforehand. I go Drum if I think I need to run at them early or if my mid is a farming hero and I need to do stuff.

I think Maelstrom is really incredibly bad, does nothing but delays your timings. Only vs PL would I consider buying it.

You basically need to think how early you need BKB. Simple way would be to go Drum BKB if you’re struggling and Aghs BKB if you’re crushing them. You want to always buy Aghs at some point because it’s really good.

From there you go MKB/Satanic/Butter or maybe AC. If the game goes late always consider Rapier because you start do deal no damage without one, just make sure you get Satanic first.

Honestly just look at and watch some replays to learn the hero, this goes for any hero. I can’t explain how to play the hero that would take forever

/r/learndota2 Thread