How to play Zarya?

A few tips that's helped me improve with Zarya:

1) Turn on teammate's health. Suppose your S76 and the other S76 are in a fight and your S76 is losing. With his health displayed, you can bubble him, he wins the fight, and you get more charge. Win-win for everyone.

2) If the enemy team has a Roadhog, SAVE YOUR BUBBLE. Many times I used a bubble on a teammate and then the Roadhog picks off our Zen and I have no way of saving him.

3) Play aggressive with your bubbles, but also be conservative. A bubble that nets you 0 charge, is a wasted bubble. Bubbles only last for 2 seconds. Suppose a Genji is poking and he's taking heavy damage so he finds cover. If you bubble him while he is finding cover, it will take about 1 second for him to realize he is bubbled, and another 1 second for him to get back to poking. By that time, your bubble has been wasted.

4) If the enemy Zarya ults and you have a Mercy, try to find your Mercy and bubble her. If your Mercy has rez, she will be able to pull it off and bring everyone back.

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread