How do you think Portland can fix the homelessness problem?

Your frustration is understandable. However, Portland does have ordinances concerning camping: Unsanctioned camping is not permitted in the City (City Code 14A.50.020 and 14A.50.050).

You can find Portland's Homelessness Toolkit here:

The local government has the power and authority to restructure and rezone its city areas to build affordable housing, and then supplement the rent costs with HUD housing vouchers. This can be done anywhere in the country regardless of housing costs, but only if your politicians are willing to do so.

The median home price here in Hawaii is currently valued at over $1 million. However, we slowly but surely continue to add affordable housing units, we discuss with landlords the potential of vacant units, and the use of federal HUD vouchers.

An example of unused housing potential here in the Islands: "As the pandemic took hold and tourism shut down, it became clear that the over 80,000 newly vacant visitor units in the state were far more than what was needed to house our homeless population, which was estimated to be around 6,500 statewide in 2020 . . . Even in non-COVID times, the vacancy rate at the high end of the residential market is significant. Think of all the dark windows in luxury buildings across Hawaii. A 2019 survey of Hawaii property owners with out-of-state addresses indicated that 52% of them left their units vacant or loaned them to family or friends." (

Because of this example, almost all of the new buildings being constructed are now required to have a certain percentage of units available for affordable housing, even if the individual units are going for $1 million (+) a piece. Either developers agree to this percentage of affordable units, or the buildings won't get the necessary permits required to build them.

So, yes, even though Hawaii ranks as the most expensive state to live in, solutions are being found and addressed to house our poorest and most vulnerable population. It can be done, but you must hold your politicians accountable, or vote ones in that will do what is necessary.

/r/Portland Thread Parent