How do I prepare myself for socialization with males?

I don't think it's an on purpose thing. It's part of the environment. To me, it's like going into a depression support group then walking away complaining about how everyone is 'so fucking miserable'. Like, no fucking shit they are!

It has never been a secret that the gaming community will drill you to see if you're genuine (female or male, this is not a female-exclusive thing and I don't understand why people think so; you have an interest, people will drill you to see where you fit in the category because there are a metric fuckton of games and genres, and within those genres, there are many subgenres, and within those subgenres, there are many niche titles most people haven't played/heard of; this goes for comics, as well, because just because you like 'Batman' doesn't mean you like, idk, that one special comic from 1978, or are up to date, or have seen anything other than the films; I like Attack on Titan, but I always pin people on 'are you caught up with the manga?' because I don't want to spoil them; etc) and the gaming community is known to be hostile even to people with huge libraries. Look at AlphaOmegaSin, who gets blasted on every video about being a collector/hoarder and not a genuine gamer because you know his backlog is fucking massive.

Competitive gaming is a massive dick-measuring contest. People need to realise that you can enjoy games singularly and if the competitive community isn't your cup of tea, there are entire genres out there that will cater to you as a solo player. I, personally, play games almost completely solo, and not even because I hate the gaming community or take the insults to heart, but because I just prefer solo-play.

Shit-talking is a known part of the gaming community. Stop trying to change the community and make a clique of people who don't sling insults instead. But ugh. I just. I need to stop because this isn't the right place for this. At the end of the day, though, it does come off as an attack on male-dominated spaces, because we all know those are terrible things (even though I feel more included in gaming 'culture' than anywhere else) but no one demands to take over female spaces with so much anger and vitriol. Then the community at large gets irritated, and then they're branded as the bad guys who don't want to allow women, when in reality, most of us have openly stated "you can be a woman, you just can't change us to be YOU. Roll with the punches and you'll be fine!"

In male spaces that I'm a part of, I get a lot of butch, bitch, cunt, faggot, etc. I call other people faggots, too, even though I see how it's problematic and identify as a gay male and have been receiving the term to my face since middle school. That said, if some random fuck on the street called me or my ex a faggot, I'd probably let my ex beat the fuck out of him and act like I'm not paying any attention. You see this same mentality at 4chan, where they've taken words like faggot and made them somewhat endearing ('everyone is a faggot, there are straight faggots, gay faggots, female faggots, male faggots, but most importantly, you're a stupid faggot' is a comment I saw on 8chan that made me laugh until I was red in the face, against a kid who had clearly popped in from Tumblr and tried to inform us how offensive it is). And if you were to really begin to think about it and stick around in the environment (especially if you can manage to make it to a "it's 4 am" thread) you realise it's their way of taking their irl pain (anyone can see most of the guys who go to *chan sites were probably not the popular kids) and making it less painful. Most of the guys there HAVE been called faggot over and over in their day-to-day life... maliciously. Male-dominated communities, from what I've seen, will tend to do that, use the insults thrown at them against others in an endearing or passive way, and I think it's a coping mechanism that I'd be interested in seeing studies on, considering studies have been conducted towards boys where they found that boys think that talking about feelings is weird and pointless. I have a feeling if they took that further, they'd find that the insulting is not simply a 'dominance hierarchy', but is a way to cope with words slung at them. Because, after all, 4chan and 8chan are filled to the brim with social outcasts, hikikomori, insecure people, etc. And when you're a guy who is a social outcast and insecure in your status, the first thing you're going to get slung at you is 'faggot' and variations thereof.

I think this big wall of text is 100% unneeded to your short comment, but I began to ramble, so see it as an amendment to my original comment, haha)) Sorry if it takes up unnecessary space in your inbox.

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