How to be a privileged ally on the axis of size (without taking up too much space)

I'm thin and fancy myself fairly socially conscious. When I talk about "privilege," it's in an academic context of public health, housing policy, education, how if the upper middle class is carrying a debt load how can the lower 85% of society ever hope to gain sociopolitical power, etc. Not "wah this plus-size store only carries up to a 5XL and I need an 8XL! Discrimination!"

As someone actually pursuing a career in behavioral research (with a focus on poverty/SES and public policy), the term "thin privilege" infuriates me. There's no conspiracy to "oppress" fat people or hurt their feelings. Your life is hard because you're so engorged with an abundance of cheap, readily-available food that you can barely move or function as a human being. It's physically impossible for a 400+ lb person to participate in society normally, and there are so many of them that their collective hurt feelings have spawned a half-assed social media "movement" (no pun intended) against the perceived "discrimination" from a world built for people 1/3 their size.

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