How do you put yourself to bed?

Mistake #1 is bringing your phone

Every day when sunset happens, put on glasses like this it sounds stupid but basically you want to block blue light .. Or, get a non-blue light emitting lamp/light source in your room or wherever.. Basically you dont want to be exposed to blue light after sunset.. This will increase the chances of melatonin getting going in your body and then you will fall asleep a bit easier

but yeah i struggle going to bed early.. Last night i went to bed at 2 30 am, because I was busy arguing about some bs and before i knew it time flew by

Even on days when i go to bed early, like 9/10pm, and wake up at 6 30am, I feel great that i woke up so early, but then later on in the day, i still end up goign to sleep at midnight or 1am like wtf

So in other words, even on days when i wake up super early, i cant follow through the next day

I can't ever seem to just wake up early, go to sleep early, consistently.... Not even 2 days in a row

All I've been doing so far is, just essentially beating myself up over it. Regretting it. Realizing how I woke up late and slept late the night before and say fuck im not doing that again, and then hope that i actually feel the importance and get to bed earlier

So tonight im hoping to go to bed by 11 pm tops, but will it happen, who knows......I'll get distracted and before i know it, its 1am again

Ideally id love to wake up at 6 30 am everyday but sometimes i feel stubborn like i want to do this or do that or talk to this person etc, so i cant seem to just go to bed early

But you definitely need to stop taking your phone with you

/r/ADHD Thread