How to Recognize Narcissists, Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Watched both, worthy of sidebar.

So, the language is very US(ofA) and it doesn't quite translate culturally outside of late teens 20xx..

As a person who participated in the 90's rave scene in a distant land this stuff was obvious to me. Instant dreads. As my friend said, (late 90's early 00's) all of a sudden there were these guys on the scene with dreads and they all absolute arseholes.

Watch out peoples. Get your radar up. Funny thing is people with shitty radars have shitty radars and it seems you cant fix that.

Here's a clue, you might come from a particular background and your radar is good in XY situation, but your mate, might a good radar in another situation (say Hispanic, or Cockney?), take that as a measure and lookout for you both..

Peace and love, drxg

/r/vagabond Thread