How reliable is the Infancy Gospel of Thomas?

Furthermore, mass-memorizations are liable to be corrupted; sorry to disappoint, but your infallible system is also liable to cause corruptions in the source material. Your holy text has likely been corrupted far more than ours.

Mass memorization of thousands of people who never met each other, yet have memorized the same thing with no differences, means there was no corruption.

If there was differences in what people memorized, those differences over time would lead to a substantial difference, which would then lead for different version of the Qur'an being made, everyone recalling what they memorized. Yet this did not happen, which only validates the statements:

Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian. (15:9)

And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? (54:17)

On another note, your religion has God knows how many sects; you can point at Christianity and claim we're sectarian, but you all have the exact same issue.

No honey, there are only two sects, 90% of Muslims are Sunni and 10% are Shia. But guess what? They all agree on the Qur'an and don't have differing scriptures like your Christian sects.

From the Shi'a to the Sunni to the Druze to the Ismaili, to the Sufi mystics who dispute many of your core tenets, your religion is fractured as much as ours, and disagrees, as much as ours.

Sufi's aren't a sect, they're either Sunni or Shia lol. And either way, they all agree on the Qur'an, but only have political differences. Unlike Christendom.

Funny, I hold the same sentiment to literally everything you've said.

I actually know about Christianity as someone who was born into a Christian household and converted to Islam. You on the other hand, think that Sufi's are a sect when they're either Shia or Sunni.

I'm happy to oblige, but you're showing me nothing but idiocy and an unwillingness to learn about the faith of others. I've tried, when speaking to you, to maintain my composure and keep a respect for your faith, and I hope I've succeeded: evidently, you haven't even tried to show the same respect to mine.

I'm happy to oblige, but you're showing me nothing but idiocy and an unwillingness to learn about the faith of others. I've tried, when speaking to you, to maintain my composure and keep a respect for your faith, and I hope I've succeeded: evidently, you haven't even tried to show the same respect to mine.

Good Day to you too.

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