How do you Respond to those men saying "Women Working is a Capitalist Scheme meant to Lower Wages"?

Uhm going to respond to the op but also use this as an opportunity to talk about my (our) cultural environment:

Amongst us our women tend to be like 180cm, men tend to be 162ish. We are 1/4 ambi, 1/4 left handed. Most of us pick pretty small but buff men, but almost 1/3 of us are homosexual too. I don't think any are fully hetero.

So strange genetic/nature environment. We traditionally are not Marx material but Krapotkin culturally too though.

I don't think anyone in my family would tolerate that idea because we're all pretty grudge bearing and violently resentful in our community. We tend to be pretty aggressive as a people.

For hetero relationship men just give what we lack as individual like to make us laugh or provide perspective or creativity. They are useless otherwise. (To any dude lurkers but that's how it is.)

Homo m/m or f/f is much much more equal, but I don't think anyone would tolerate a single bread winner mentality. We all hate capitalism outright and any dynamic lacking malleability. Invariably.

We're pretty collectivist and fervently traditionalist, but that's our tradition, not like most abrahamic westerners, so please don't mistake tradition for like "tradfem".

Most of us are GC-like just much more revolutionary and willing to be/naturally violent even knowing it could make the situation worse and get us killed.

/r/GenderCritical Thread