How was school life? (x-post r/AsexualMen)

I had a small group of friends. There were so many times they'd talk about guys and my reaction was always really weird. Like I never knew what to say. That was always awkward and after a while my friends stopped directing those conversations at me. I had one friend tell me about how she thought her uncle was gay because he didn't date or talk about dating to his family. I'm not sure if it was true, but I think she was trying to hint that she thought I was a lesbian because I never talked about dating or crushes.

I had several times throughout school when girls I barely knew would ask me who I had a crush on. I always said something to kinda brush it off. A few times I told close friends I had crushes on guys, but I never actually did.

Once I got into high school, my friends starting dating. I felt so weird because I never liked any guys. Lucky for me, one of my friends also didn't date in high school for other reasons. So at least I wasn't the only one in our group. I went to prom and homecoming each year. Always with a big group and every time only 1-2 people in my group had a date.

I've had so many people ask me why I don't date or why I don't have a boyfriend. I usually just say I haven't met anyone I want to date. I sorta dated a guy in college which made everyone back off for a bit. Since then it's been about 3 years.

I'm really glad I was able to keep a group of friends through high school. I'm only still friends with one. I think the others thought I was weird because of my lack of reactions to guys and sex. I never really felt close to the rest of the group really.

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