How Sekiro’s Difficulty Increases Enjoyment of The Game

I actually think sekiros difficulty is a bit much in places.

I would argue that this time, the game IS very clear about what it expects from the player: learn to parry. Period. In the other souls games one could argue that the game did not explain how to play it the right way, Bloodborne doesn't tell you to be aggressive, Dark Souls doesn't tell you to wait for opening and not be greedy when it comes to attacking, here, all the instructions are given to the player.

I watch a few streams where people were getting their asses kicked and were complaining the game was too hard, but they were avoiding attacks instead of parrying. If you parry, you can build up that orange bar and one shot kill most ennemies. It is explained right from the start, so no, the game isn't difficult, it just punishes the player who refuses to follow its rules.

If you play Tetris and you're not building lines with blocks, you're going to lose fast. I don't see the difference here. While the game gives the player plenty of leeway to fight with custom prosthetics, there is only a single way to defeat enemies.

As for the multiple enemies, well the strategy is obvious: get rid of the archers, the dogs, the small mob first, then attack bigger opponents.

This game is the fairest Soulsborne game yet.

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