How sensitive are you to your boss reprimanding you even over small things? Does it feel like a big deal or do you just brush it over a few seconds later

Im a very young male, 21, but I’ve employed 5 people and every boss is different but when it comes to me, I’m not reprimanding you. I’m just kind of saying it in passing, without much thought to it, my workers don’t usually have the big picture in mind. I tell them to do something, but because that’s all they do, they don’t realize when I go over it and paint it, it would’ve saved me 5 minutes but cost you no time to do it my way instead of your way.

I used to take it personally when I was a employee but after managing my own employees I see it from the other side and don’t take it personally at all because I realize they have a certain way that works for them and there’s a million ways to do something, so their way works for them and my way is no way indicating I’m doing it wrong.

I also work for clients, and when they would mention something they didn’t like I would have an internal freak out, but now I just fix it and it’s no big deal.

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread