How should I approach this woman?

Not sure from description if you two have even talked yet? If not, then probably the best more natural way to initiate contact the next time you bump into each other might simply be:

"Hi! We keep passing each other in the hallway. I'm XYZ by the way."

After a few conversations, if you feel raport building, and you think she might too, then my favorite casual way to ask someone out on a date (back in my single-years!) was something to the effect of:

"Hey, I was supposed to go with my cousin to that [INSERT WHATEVER EVENT HERE] exhibit this weekend, but she had to cancel. And my friends can't go. So not sure what to do with the extra ticket. Maybe you wanted to come along?"

If she says she's busy then play it cool, with a response like "No worries. Actually might be a boring exhibit anyways! Not even sure yet if I'll go."

Or if she says yes, then say, "Cool..." then as soon as she is out of sight, RUN! and scramble and actually buy 2 tickets to the event!

All that said...

In today's Corona Virus climate...

That, and a lot of other approaches might not be possible for now... thus perhaps only thing you can do in the present climate is just keep making small talk with her somehow, and let nature take its course from there and progress.

/r/actuallesbians Thread